Values: one’s principles, standards of behaviour, and judgment of what is important in life.

Ends values vs means values:

  • ends values: the ultimate (emotional) states that provide a sense of fulfillment
    • e.g. love, freedom, security, comfort, fun, respect, power, peace, growth, gratitude, accomplishment, passion, excellence, learning, vitality, warmth, cheerfulness, integrity, creativity, intelligence
  • means values: things that trigger those states, or instrumental values
    • e.g. money, fame, achievement, success, family, intimacy, health, adventure, beauty, harmony, honesty

How are values formed?

  • RLHFed by parents, friends, people we interact with. Our “initial config” (written in our early years) forms our moral compass which we use in our later years to introspect, modify our values, and finetune our beliefs.
  • Osmosis through what we consume. We are what we eat. We may be brainwashed/influenced by people we do not respect. They might just have a lot of access to our attention. Hence the need to watch what we consume and protect our minds. Our identities are no longer determined by just nature and nurture - algorithms play a big part.

My core values: