A BFS algo that takes a directed graph and returns an array of the nodes where each node appears before all the nodes it points to.

  • Does not work on cyclic or undirected graphs
  • A graph can have more than one valid topological ordering.


  1. Identify nodes with no inbound edges and add them to the ordering
    • safe to add first since they have nothing that needs to come before them
    • must exist since there is no cycle
  2. Remove their outbound edges from the graph
  3. Repeat until all nodes have been added

The algo:

  1. Create an empty queue order to store the valid sort

  2. Create a queue processNext to store the next nodes to process

  3. Count the number of inbound edges of each node and set a class variable node.inbound

    Note: nodes typically only store their outbound edges. We count the inbound edges by walking through each node n - for each of its outgoing edges (n, x), increment x.inbound

  4. Walk through the nodes again and add to processNext where x.inbound == 0

  5. While processNext is not empty:

    • remove first node n from processNext
    • for each edge (n, x), decrement x.inbound. If it is 0, append x to processNext.
    • append n to order
  6. If order contains all the nodes, then the topological sort has succeeded. O/w it has failed due to a cycle.

  • Implementation tweak: instead of removing nodes (and destroying input), track the number of incoming edges for each node

    def topological_sort(digraph): 
      # digraph (directed graph): dict
      # key: node
      # value: {adjacent nodes}
      # create dict mapping nodes to # incoming edges
      indegrees = {node : 0 for node in digraph}
      for node in digraph:
        for neighbor in digraph[node]:
          indegrees[neighbor] += 1
      # track nodes with no incoming edges
      nodes_with_no_incoming_edges = []
      for node in digraph:
        if indegrees[node] == 0:
      # initially, no nodes in our ordering
      topological_ordering = [] 
      while len(nodes_with_no_incoming_edges) > 0:
        # add one of those nodes to the ordering
        node = nodes_with_no_incoming_edges.pop()
        # decrement the indegree of that node's neighbors
        for neighbor in digraph[node]:
          indegrees[neighbor] -= 1
          if indegrees[neighbor] == 0:
    	# we've run out of nodes with no incoming edges
      # did we add all the nodes or find a cycle?
        if len(topological_ordering) == len(digraph):
            return topological_ordering  # got them all
            raise Exception("Graph has a cycle! No topological ordering exists.")