Tue, Mar 26, 2024
By the end of 2024, I want to be able to do
- 1 muscle up
- 1 pistol squat
Also working on mobility, specifically ATG squats.
Calisthenics routine
the warm up
- Wrist prep x10 (pulses, rotations, side to side, flip)
- Deadbug 30s
- Squat sky reaches x10
- Assisted squats x10
- RDLs x10
- Shoulder band x10
- Arch hangs x10
- Support hold 30s
the workout
3 x (5~8), 1 second down, no pause at the bottom, explode up and no pause at the top.
rest 90 sec in between:
- set 1:
- Squats/Bulgarian split
- Pull ups/chin ups (if no bar, use a doorframe/table)
- set 2:
- Staggered RDLs/SLDL
- Dips (if no rings/bars, use chairs)
- set 3:
- Pushups (wide, narrow, diamond, pike)
- Inverted rows (if no rings/bar, find a table)
rest 30-60 sec in between:
- Rollouts/leg raises (if no ab wheel or bar, do plank)
- Copenhagen plank
- Arch hold/back extension