Classes of automata

Automata Theory

Cellular automaton

A discrete computational model that consists of a grid of cells, each in one of a finite number of states. The grid evolves over discrete time steps based on a set of rules that determine the state of each cell based on its current state and the states of its neighboring cells.

The grid and its evolution are often visualized as a lattice, and each cell’s state can be represented by colors, numbers, or other symbols. The rules are typically defined globally for the entire grid, meaning they are applied uniformly to each cell.

Cellular automata have applications in various fields, including physics, biology, computer science, and mathematics. They are used to model and simulate a wide range of phenomena, such as pattern formation, complex systems, and emergent behaviors.

One famous example is Conway’s Game of Life, a two-dimensional cellular automaton that exhibits complex, dynamic patterns from simple rules.